Gas Theory

(Lecture id-1044)


1040 - Gas Stoichiometry
    1010 - Know 1 mol of any gas occupies 22.4 L at STP (and only at STP).
    1020 - Use molar volume (1 mol = 22.4 L) to solve mole-mass-volume problems at STP.
    1030 - Use the ideal gas law in solving mole-mass-volume problems.
    1040 - Understand how stoichiometry applies to gases via the number of moles in the ideal gas law.
    1050 - Understand how stoichiometry relates to molar volume.
1110 - Kinetic Molecular Theory
    1010 - State Avogadros Law
    1020 - Describe how atomic theory with three additional postulates explains the observations of the simple gas laws.
    1030 - Know the three postulates of the KMT. Understand how the KMT explains the pressure of a gas.
    1040 - Predict how changing the number of atoms, temperature, or volume qualitatively effects pressure.
    1060 - Understand that all gases at the same temperature have the same kinetic energy.
    1070 - Qualitatively understand the inverse relationship between speed and molar mass.
1120 - Real Gases & Diffusion
    1010 - Know under what conditions KMT is not valid.
    1020 - Understand that the ideal gas law is an approximation that works well under most circumstances.
    1030 - Know that the ideal gas law breaks down at low temperature and/or high pressure.
    1040 - Understand that non-ideal behavior is because gas particles have volume and intermolecular forces.

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