
(Lecture id-1053)


1010 - Trends
    1010 - Know the definitions and differences among van der Waals, covalent, and atomic radii.
    1020 - Know and predict trends in atomic radius down a group (larger going down).
    1030 - Know and predict trends in atomic radius going across a period (smaller to the right).
    1040 - Use the ideas of screening and effective nuclear charge to explain the trends for atomic radius.
    1050 - Know that the radii of transition elements remain approximately constant across each period.
1020 - Ions
    1010 - Know how to write electron configurations for anions and cations.
    1020 - Identify and distinguish between paramagnetic and diamagnetic atoms/ions.
    1030 - Know cations are smaller in radius than the neutral atom from which they are formed
    1040 - Know anions are larger in radius than the neutral atom from which they are formed.
    1050 - Know and predict trends in first ionization energy down a group (smaller going down).
    1060 - Know and predict trends in first ionization energy going across a period (larger to the right).
    1070 - Use the ideas of screening and effective nuclear charge to explain the trends for ionization energy.
    1080 - Understand trends in second and successive ionization energies with respect to the noble-gas core.
1030 - Metalicity
    1010 - Define and understand the basic trend for electron affinity, less exothermic down a group and more exothermic to the right across a period.
    1020 - Know that the periodic trends in metallic character increases down a group and decreases to the right.
    1030 - Know the names, periodic trends, and representative chemical reactions of the elements of a few groups.

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