Covalent Bond

(Lecture id-1055)


1010 - Dot Symbols
    1010 - Know that Lewis structures are simple predictors of how atoms form compounds and molecules.
    1020 - Know chemical bonds form because they are a more stable arrangement of atoms.
    1030 - Understand how ionic bond, covalent bond, and metallic bonding occur.
    1040 - Know that valence electrons can be represented with dots around an element symbol.
    1050 - Identify and draw atoms with their valence electrons represented as dots (Lewis symbols).
    1060 - Define and know the octet rule.
1020 - Bonding
    1010 - Draw Lewis structures of ions and ionic compounds containing main-group elements.
    1020 - Understand that the formation of an ionic compound from neutral atoms is exothermic.
    1030 - Understand the role of lattice energy he amount of energy released is largely due to lattice energy.
    1040 - Know the Born-Haber cycle is a way of accounting for the energetics of ionic compound formation.
    1050 - Use a Born-Haber cycle to calculate the lattice energy of an ionic compound.
    1060 - Know that lattice energy decreases for larger ions and increases with increasing charge.
    1070 - Understand why and when ionic solids, solutions, and liquids are electrical conductors.
    1080 - Know that most nonmetal atoms prefer an octet of valence electrons (hydrogen requires only two).
    1090 - Atoms achieve an octet by forming covalent bonds, a pair of electrons, one from each of two atoms.
    1100 - Know why forming covalent bonds is exothermic.
    1110 - Atoms can also share two pairs of electrons (a double bond) or three pairs of electrons (triple bond).
    1120 - Identify and draw covalent compounds with single, double, and triple bonds.
1030 - Bond Polarity
    1010 - Know that a pair of electrons in a covalent bond may be shared unequally, a polar covalent bond.
    1020 - Define electronegativity (EN) and know its periodic trends.
    1030 - Know the electronegativity values of F (4.0), Li (1.0), H (2.1), and Cs (0.7).
    1035 - All 2nd period elements differ in EN by 0.5, provide the EN value of any 2nd period element.
    1040 - Predict whether a bond is pure covalent bond, polar covalent bond or ionic by electronegativity.
    1050 - Define dipole moment and percent ionic character.

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