Quantum Molecules

(Lecture id-1059)


1010 - Net Dipole
    1010 - Identify non-polar, ionic and polar bonds in molecules based on ΔEN.
    1015 - Apply vector addition to predict net dipole between multiple polar bonds.
    1020 - Recognize when polar bonds cause molecules to have a net polarity (and when they do not).
    1030 - Use net dipole to predict the solubility or miscibility of a substance in polar and non-polar solvents.
1020 - Valence Bond (Hybridization)
    1010 - Understand how the overlap of atomic orbitals predicts and explains covalent bonding.
    1020 - Explain why atomic orbitals "morph" or hybridize to form hybrid atomic orbitals.
    1030 - Identify the hybridization of an atom from the number of electron domains (not pairs) around an atom.
    1040 - Draw 𝜎 (sigma) and Ï€ (pi) bonds to show valence bond model of single, double and triple bonds.
    1050 - Predict hybridization of expanded octet molecules (sp3d and sp3d2)
1030 - MO
    1010 - Understand molecular orbitals are a remixing of orbitals across and entire molecule.
    1020 - Combine atomic orbitals from two different atoms to create a bonding and antibonding orbital.
    1030 - Predict and draw molecular orbital diagrams for simple diatomics.
    1040 - Know p-orbitals form both 𝜎 (sigma) and Ï€ (pi) bonding and anti-bonding orbitals.
    1050 - Know the relative energy of Ï€ bonding orbitals is less than 𝜎 for nitrogen and lighter diatomics.
    1060 - Know the relative energy of Ï€ bonding orbitals is greater than 𝜎 for oxygen and heavier diatomics.
    1070 - Use molecular orbital diagrams to predict bond order and mangetic properties of simple diatomics.

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